Who we serve


When your seller closed, but their next home is not ready yet, they will be happy to stay with us!

Insurance companies

We host families while their home is being rebuilt or repaired after a disaster, such as fire or a flood.


We are a great place for contractors to stay during their weeks- or months- long assignments. The neighborhood is safe, peaceful, everyone just minding their own business. At the end of a long day or night of busy work, we offer a place to rest. And many things to do around in the days off!

Wedding venues

Out-of-town relatives attending a wedding will love to stay with us, getting ready for the big event!

Funeral homes

During those difficult times, we are honored to host relatives coming from out of town.

Healthcare providers

We host out-of-town patients and their traveling companions for treatments that require several days. This way they have a kitchen where to cook, free parking, and don’t need to share elevators or a hotel lobby.

Relocation companies

Your employees and their families being relocated here can stay with us while they get acquainted with the area, and to go house-hunting.

Leisure travelers

We love to host families or individuals on vacation, holiday, “stay-cation”, and more! There is always something fun to do near every one of our locations. Just ask us!

Traveling nurses

Either individually, in our per-room location, or as a group, we host traveling nurses during their assignment. Our place is prefect to relax and rest after the busy shifts taking care of others.