Single-occupancy room

House Rules modifiers for single-occupancy room in house with shared spaces

HOUSE RULES and these rules modifiers are policy — legally binding —for the mutual peace, health, protection, safety, and benefit of guests and management alike. REVIEW THEM CAREFULLY. Each one is important and will be strictly enforced. All guests are responsible for following these rules. This is a Single Occupancy room – No Guests are allowed at the property . Each guest must be the minimum of 18 years of age to rent. All personal property and trash must be removed from dwelling space when guests leave. Check-out time is 11am on the last day of booking. SECURITY – “I have total 5 cameras installed in or around the listing. (2 are outside) 1 outside Ring doorbell camera at the front door, 1 in the living room (capturing front door), 1 in the dining room (capturing the utility area), 1 outside Floodlight camera lighting up the back entry area if motion is detected. and 1 upstairs facing the staircase. These cameras are on 24/7 during the reservation” These cameras & devices are there to protect everyone in the building, guests vehicles and to eliminate any issues with a non-conforming guest. In common areas there is no expectation of privacy so act accordingly. NO SMOKING — All guests agree NOT TO smoke or allow anyone to smoke anywhere on the property unless clearly marked as a smoking area. This includes ANY product as well as Nicotine substitutes (aka Vape). SMOKE DETECTORS – are located in every bedroom and in common areas. Tampering (removing or removing batteries) in ANY smoke detector or CO2 detector will result in immediate termination of my residency and guest will be asked to leave. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES – are allowed only in moderation — no drunkenness. Illegal drugs – are strictly forbidden anywhere on the property. NO LOUD MUSIC, NOISES, PROFANITY or other obnoxious behavior which is offensive to the other guests, neighbors or to management. The comfort and rights of other tenants must be respected. NO UNREGISTERED VISITORS ALLOWED. No person shall be allowed to stay or visit without prior registration of him or her with RealtyE, LLC. Guests are responsible for their visitors keeping ALL these rules. GARBAGE DISPOSAL is the responsibility of each guest. All trash must be bagged and dumped into the provided receptacle on a regular basis. Trash must not accumulate inside the guests room or common areas. HOUSEKEEPING — Each guest room must be kept clean and neat inside and outside. Each guest is responsible for the cleanliness of their room as well as the entire property. Please pick up anything not being used and put it away. Some cleaning supplies will be stored within the building and are available for use – please use them to maintain cleanliness. No pornographic or satanic items or images are to be visible at any time inside or outside of the guests room. FORBIDDEN ITEMS — The following items are strictly forbidden: Vehicles batteries, fuel, camp stoves, torches, chain saws, heavy tools, greasy items, bicycles, weight benches, treadmills, weights over ten (10) pounds or anything else which may cause property damage or be unsightly. NO FIREWORKS on the property, inside or outside. VEHICLES — Parking is allowed on the street or in the approved parking area in the back yard. Vehicle repair on the property is prohibited. No car washing. WATER USAGE — Do not use outside hoses or water lines for any reason. PETS — NO pets are allowed on the property unless approved in advance and in writing by RealtyE, LLC. WINDOW coverings are provided by RealtyE, LLC. There shall be no foil or blankets in the windows at any time. NOTHING may be installed in or on the walls unless approved by advance in writing. LAUNDRY – the laundry area must remain clean at all times. Use Only the laundry or cleaning supplies that belong to you. Clean the Drier filter before every drying use. NO SOLICITING allowed on any property owned by RealtyE, LLC unless prior approval in writing. Occupancy — RealtyE, LLC has the right to give written notice of termination to any agreement of stay at any time for any reason. ALL OTHER buildings This agreement does not give guests any rights in any building other than the bedroom specified in this agreement. ALL GUESTS will be responsible for obtaining their own post office box for mail services. Under NO circumstances will any mail or deliveries be made to property. RIGHT OF ENTRY – Management has the right to enter guest studios for inspection, cleaning or maintenance at any time. PERSONAL PROPERTY — RealtyE, LLC is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property due to fire, theft, or accident. If guests move and leave personal property, they cannot expect to see it again unless they make arrangements with RealtyE, LLC, whereupon, RealtyE, LLC MAY agree to store it upon terms as agreed upon. EQUIPMENT – Equipment furnished by RealtyE, LLC — refrigerator, washer, drier, dishwasher, furniture, microwave, beds … — are property of RealtyE, LLC and not to be removed for any reason. Removal of the equipment will be considered stealing and violators will be prosecuted. PROBLEMS & COMPLAINTS – Please inform management immediately if there is an emergency. Call during business hours. Do not call after 10:00 PM and before 7:00 AM if you are locked out.
By booking a said single-occupancy listing you confirm that you understand that failure to comply with ANY of these rules by you or your visitors will result in immediate termination of your residency, without notice and without recourse or refund of any kind. You hereby acknowledge that you have read and received a copy of these rules.